Annual Plan Contribution Limits

Many employee benefits are subject to annual dollar limits that are adjusted for inflation by the IRS each year. The following table lists the employee benefits offered that subject to these limits.

The IRS typically announces the dollar limits that will apply for the next calendar year just before the beginning of that year. AdvanStaff HR will update this page as quickly as possible.

Límites y umbrales de los planes con ventajas fiscales

401(k) Contributions
Employee Elected Deferrals$ 22,500$ 23,000
Catch-up Contributions (age 50)$ 6,500$ 8,000
Limit on Total Contributions$ 66,000$ 69,000
Cuentas de gastos flexibles (FSA)
Elección máxima de la FSA de salud (por año)$3,050$3,200
— Healthcare FSA Plan Year Carryover Limit (March 31st)$ 610$ 640
Elección máxima de la FSA para el cuidado de dependientes (por año)$ 5,000$ 5,000
Transportation Fringe Benefits
Cuenta de aparcamiento$ 300/mo$ 315/mo
Cuenta de Tránsito$ 300/mo$ 315/mo
— Transportation Plan Year Carryover Limit 100%100%
Cuentas de ahorro sanitario (HSA)
HSA Max Contribution Limit – Single$ 3,850$ 4,150
HSA Max Contribution Limit – Family$ 7,750$ 8,300
HSA Catch-Up Contribution Limit (age 55)$ 1,000$ 1,000
High Deductible Health Plan Requirements
Deducible anual mínimo del HDHP - Individual$ 1,500$ 1,600
Deducible anual mínimo del HDHP - Familia$ 3,000$ 3,200
Máximo de desembolso del HDHP - Individual$ 7,500$ 8,050
Máximo de desembolso del HDHP - Familia$ 15,000$ 16,100